Professional Cleaning
Public Toilets
Schools & Kindergartens
Hopital & Clinics
Nursing Homes
Ozone for Professional Cleaning
Cleaning and disinfecting are vital for reducing the spread of viruses. Some viruses can live on surfaces for a period of hours to days so surfaces must be properly maintained to prevent the spread of infection.
Ozone is a strong oxidant that acts as a natural disinfecting agent. Disinfection using ozone water removes the need for dangerous chemical disinfectants, and is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional disinfection products.
Ozone acts 3,000 times faster than chlorine, and is 50 times more effective. After the disinfection process, ozone simply reforms into oxygen molecules without emitting any harmful by-products.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we view cleaning, especially in a professional setting. A recent study from Nara University in Japan has proven that ozonated water from BES electrolytic ozone generators can neutralize the COVID-19 virus host on surfaces. Professional cleaning businesses that use ozonated water can provide protection against the virus that has infected millions and caused hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide.
Chemical free
Pure ozone water
Stable ozone generator
Sanitation Solution
How Ozone Water Works
How Ozone Water Works for Professional Cleaning
Ozonated water for workspaces
Bacteria and disease-causing microorganisms are all around us. They can live on surfaces in offices and places we work for long periods of time. These bacteria and viruses can spread through a workspace, potentially infecting a whole workforce. Ozone water is a natural, odor-free disinfection agent that is perfect for wiping down surfaces and misting into the air while cleaning workspaces.
The BioSure Ozone Spray Bottle Pro (OSB) is used to disinfect surfaces. It is a simple, rechargeable handheld ozone water machine and ozone spray bottle that uses an advanced electrolytic oxidation process to convert tap water into dissolved ozonated water. This creates an instant, chemical-free disinfection agent that is safe to use and kills harmful pathogens such as Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, and E. coli.
Furthermore, the electrolytic ozone water treatment method used by BES Group is safer and produces the highest concentration of ozone in the ozone disinfection industry.
Ozonated water for public toilets
Although it’s nice to think that everyone practices proper hand washing after visiting the restroom, the reality is that many people forget to use soap or to disinfectant. COVID-19 or other viruses can spread rapidly if one virus carrier forgets to properly disinfect their hands and then touches the restroom door handle or other surfaces.
Washing hands with ozone water from an ozone water system can kill bacteria and remove the need for disinfection. As ozonated water is odorless, restroom users would be unaware of this powerful ozone water sanitation system.
Ozone water for schools and kindergartens
Although it’s nice to think that everyone practices proper hand washing after visiting the restroom, the reality is that many people forget to use soap or to disinfectant. COVID-19 or other viruses can spread rapidly if one virus carrier forgets to properly disinfect their hands and then touches the restroom door handle or other surfaces.
Washing hands with ozone water from an ozone water system can kill bacteria and remove the need for disinfection. As ozonated water is odorless, restroom users would be unaware of this powerful ozone water sanitation system.
Ozone water for hospitals and clinics
Although it’s nice to think that everyone practices proper hand washing after visiting the restroom, the reality is that many people forget to use soap or to disinfectant. COVID-19 or other viruses can spread rapidly if one virus carrier forgets to properly disinfect their hands and then touches the restroom door handle or other surfaces.
Washing hands with ozone water from an ozone water system can kill bacteria and remove the need for disinfection. As ozonated water is odorless, restroom users would be unaware of this powerful ozone water sanitation system.
Ozone water for Nursing Homes
Although it’s nice to think that everyone practices proper hand washing after visiting the restroom, the reality is that many people forget to use soap or to disinfectant. COVID-19 or other viruses can spread rapidly if one virus carrier forgets to properly disinfect their hands and then touches the restroom door handle or other surfaces.
Washing hands with ozone water from an ozone water system can kill bacteria and remove the need for disinfection. As ozonated water is odorless, restroom users would be unaware of this powerful ozone water sanitation system.
Is Ozone Suitable for Professional Cleaning?
Benefits of Ozonated Water in Professional Cleaning
Ozonated water has natural disinfectant properties and its reactive nature makes it a perfect sanitizing agent for professional cleaning in workplaces, public toilets, schools and kindergartens, hospitals, and nursing homes. Cleaning and disinfection with ozone water do not leave any chemical residue behind, nor does it emit any toxic gases or harmful chemical byproducts as traditional chemical cleaners do.
Safe for employees
Employee safety is a major concern for professional cleaning businesses, especially as there are a large number of workplace compensation lawsuits. Cleaning tasks require manpower, and the risk of employee sickness is high. According to the United States Department of Labor, professional cleaning employees face hazards in the workplace that can adversely affect their health over time. The best way to ensure safety in professional cleaning is by using ozonated water that is up to 100 times safer than chemical disinfectants.
Ozonated water is odor-free, meaning that employees will not become sick from strong odors or inhaling harmful chemical byproducts. Furthermore, as ozone water cleaning reverts back to oxygen within minutes it is safe for use by asthma sufferers and eco-friendly.
Effective Disinfectant Properties
The disinfectant properties of ozonated water are often compared with bleach. However, a benefit of ozonated water is that it does not leave behind harmful chemical residues or unpleasant odors. In fact, an ozone water system is used to eliminate odors in the air, and its robust oxidation properties mean it can quickly kill germs, bacteria, and viruses.
Recurring expenses professional cleaning businesses incur may include cleaning chemicals, mops and gloves, and other safety equipment. These accumulate over time, leading to significant costs for cleaning businesses. Ozonated water is a cost-effective alternative to traditional chemical products as it does not require any special gear or equipment – only the purchase of an ozone generator.
Environmentally Friendly
The professional cleaning industry is experiencing high growth. However, cleaning businesses often overlook the damage that chemical cleaners cause to the environment. Waste chemical products often end up in our sewage lines and rivers, causing irreversible damage to plants and wildlife.
There is an increasing focus on green cleaning technology which emphasizes the use of sustainable, environmentally friendly cleaners that do not pollute the air, water, or land. As the O₃ (ozone) molecule fails to maintain its chemical bond at room temperature, ozonated water treatment reverts back to its regular, harmless form after reaction, returning pure water into the environment.
Frequently Asked Questions
BioSure Professional produces ozonated water or aqueous ozone? Does it comply with international off-gas safety standards?
BioSure products use electrolytic, both direct and through PEM generation, to seamlessly create ozonated water directly from the water. Ozonated water is a dissolution of gas and water. The ozone gas is contained in the water. Yes, BioSure products comply with international off-gas standards and are safe to use in ventilated spaces.
Most ozone generators require frequent air quality treatment to maintain their performance. Why doesn't BioSure Professional need to monitor air quality?
BioSure and BES products use patented electrolytic ozone generation that uses water as the input to create the ozone. In this way, BioSure and BES products do not need to monitor air quality.
Ozonated water vs chemical disinfectant solution. Why is the concentration of aqueous ozone important? What concentration of ozonated water is right for my operation?
Ozonated water is highly oxidative, roughly 1ppm of ozonated water has the same oxidizing power as 50ppm of chlorine-based disinfectants. Your concentration of ozonated water is determined for your application. Please speak with a BioSure representative or a BioSure certified technician to determine your need.
EPA said good ozone up high and bad ozone nearby. After knowing the advantages of applying ozone water, can I use ozonated water indoor? What about NOx - a toxic by-product?What is BioSure Professional’s solution?
Yes, aqueous ozone is safe to use inside as long as the space is well ventilated. BES products do not use air as an input and therefore have no harmful waste by-products including NOx. BES uses patented electrolytic technology that produces ozone or ozonated water from water.
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