
Nursing Homes


Postpartum Centers

Ozone Water for Healthcare
As healthcare facilities normally host a large number of people with weaker immune systems, the preventive measures that help decrease the risk of guests coming into contact with viruses, bacteria and germs are more vital than others. Researchers have found that many viruses can live on surfaces for up to two weeks.
Therefore, it’s important to keep our healthcare environment safe and sanitized at all times. Chlorine as a disinfection agent has major drawbacks such as leaving harmful chemical residues that customers and staff breathe in after a cleaning job.
Ozone treatment is considered a safer and more effective alternative to chemical disinfectants. It is a much stronger oxidizer than chlorine and other common disinfectants such as hypochlorite. Compared with general chlorine disinfectants, the sanitation speed of ozone water is 3,000 times faster, and its disinfecting ability is 50 times stronger.
Because of these advantages, ozone has been widely used in the healthcare industry, including nursing homes, kindergartens, postpartum centers, and hospitals.






What Makes Ozone A Better Alternative
Chlorine comes to mind as an obvious disinfection agent. Although it has major drawbacks such as leaving harmful chemical residues that customers and staff breathe in after a cleaning job.
Ozone treatment is considered a safer and more effective alternative to chemical disinfectants. It is a much stronger oxidizer than chlorine and other common disinfectants such as hypochlorite. Compared with general chlorine disinfectants, the sanitation speed of ozone water is 3,000 times faster, and its disinfecting ability is 50 times stronger. Because of its advantage, ozone has been widely used in the healthcare industry, including nursing homes, kindergartens, postpartum centers, and hospitals.
Ozonated water generators from BES Group are highly recommended by international healthcare experts. Electrolytic ozone generators can instantly produce a high concentration of dissolved ozonated water and with no ozone leakage. This ensures operator safety while using the ozone water to sanitize equipment. BioSure Professional provides a full range of water disinfection solutions for clinics and hospitals. These include high ozone concentration water from BioSure Professional for hand washing and surface cleaning of workstations.
Ozone Solutions

How Ozone Water Works for Healthcare
Ozonated water for nursing homes

Nursing home employees are tasked with providing a safe and clean-living space for residents. Clean laundry, for example, in the nursing home is an enormous job that includes both cleaning and disinfection of bedding and towels in each room, to washing residents clothing and employee uniforms. However, due to the humidity and residual water in the washing machine, mold and its odor often become a source of bacteria in the washing machine.
Ozone can be used to remove this mildew by sanitizing washing machines. The ozone water used in clothes can disinfect clothes and greatly reduce the risk of the spread of infectious microorganisms found on dirty clothes. The use of ozone to disinfect fabric-based cleaning materials reduces the survival rate of pathogens on cleaning products.
Our Water Disinfection System (WDS) doesn’t just provide an ozonation cleaning and disinfecting system — it does so with greater purity, more consistent water flow, and higher levels of ozone. As ozone is an effective sanitizer that can be used even in cold water to effectively clean linen, nursing homes stand to significantly save on energy and electricity costs by reducing the use of hot water requirements for laundry.
Ozonated water for Kindergartens

Parents should be able to send their children to school knowing they will be safe from bacteria and viruses. However, finding out that kindergartens and other early childhood care centers are cleaned and sanitized with strong chemicals is concerning for any parent, especially when these harsh chemicals leave residues that children may be exposed to daily.
Ozonated water is an ideal alternative for early childhood centers as it is odorless and colorless, making it the safest choice for use in schools. Additionally, ozonated water has high oxidation properties that can remove toxic elements, as well as iron and magnesium from surfaces.
Use an ozone spray bottle such as the OSB from BioSure to spray playground surfaces with high concentration ozonated water that’s still safe for kids. Spraying ozonated water on play equipment before recess can minimize the chances of catching deadly diseases from surface contact with slides, swings, and other playground equipment. We also recommend that schools install ozonated water systems in their plumbing to ensure children wash their hands with ozonated sanitizing water rather than just tap water.
The PDFS Mini from BioSure can be installed on a tap and used to deliver ozonated water, allowing students to rinse their hands with ozonated water after thoroughly washing them — a crucial final step to help eliminate viral threats.
Ozone water for postpartum centers

Many postpartum centers face challenges in maintaining good sanitation practices due to cost, time-consuming cleaning tasks, lack of staff training, and more.
Chlorine leaves chemical residues that customers and staff breathe in after a cleaning job. The use of chlorine-based sanitizing systems means new mothers and babies are breathing in these residues in large numbers. It also required heavy staff training to measure and mix proper proportions of chemical cleaning agents.
Ozone treatment is considered a safe, effective and environmentally friendly alternative. Our ozone generators can be integrated with the existing water supply, transforming the general tap water into high-concentration antibacterial disinfection water. Also, to allow this effective disinfection method to be more widely used in different situations, we have also introduced portable disinfection — the Ozone Spray Bottle.
It works by simply filling the bottle with clean tap water, and is convenient to be carried from place to place yet it can effectively convert tap water into powerful ozone water at high concentrations that can kill 99% of pathogens instantly, with no additional chemicals required.
Ozone water for hospitals and clinics

Hospitals have a responsibility to ensure that patients are not subjected to preventable reinfection. However, hospital water lines can potentially be a major source of infectious pollutants. Since patients consume and excrete water, the water wastage lines are highly contaminated with harmful viruses, bacteria, and other dangerous pathogens. Also, water used in cleaning surgical equipment and hospital utilities contains pathogenic organisms.
In addition, patients can infect the public through defecation secretions, and hospital water lines are the main source of these pollutants. If these water supply lines are not properly disinfected, outbreaks may occur.
Ozonated water is an effective and economical sanitation method for disinfecting hospital water lines. Ozone produced by our electrolytic ozone generators (EOG) breaks down bacteria through oxidation. The Ozone Water Disinfection System (WDS) turns regular tap water into an anti-bacterial sanitizing wash water, rids the water lines of dangerous pollutants, and is ideal for hospital environments where there is risk of microbial contamination.
Ozonated water can also be used to disinfect an entire room when released as misting ozone through the SSS Plus by BioSure. Misting ozone can be used constantly at a low level to keep a room disinfected from airborne viruses and infectious diseases.
Ozone water for Hand Washing

Although it’s nice to think that everyone practices proper hand washing after visiting the restroom, the reality is that many people forget to use soap or to disinfectant. COVID-19 or other viruses can spread rapidly if one virus carrier forgets to properly disinfect their hands and then touches the restroom door handle or other surfaces.
Washing hands with ozone water from an ozone water system can kill bacteria and remove the need for disinfection. As ozonated water is odorless, restroom users would be unaware of this powerful ozone water sanitation system.
Frequently Asked Questions
BioSure Professional produces ozonated water or aqueous ozone? Does it comply with international off-gas safety standards?
BioSure products use electrolytic, both direct and through PEM generation, to seamlessly create ozonated water directly from the water. Ozonated water is a dissolution of gas and water. The ozone gas is contained in the water. Yes, BioSure products comply with international off-gas standards and are safe to use in ventilated spaces.
EPA said good ozone up high and bad ozone nearby. After knowing the advantages of applying ozone water, can I use ozonated water indoor? What about NOx - a toxic by-product? What is BioSure Professional’s solution?
Yes, ozonated water is safe to use inside as long as the space is well ventilated. BioSure products do not use air as an input and therefore have no harmful waste by-products including NOx. BioSure uses patented electrolytic technology that produces ozone or ozonated water from water.
Ozonated water vs chemical disinfectant solution. Why is the concentration of aqueous ozone important? What concentration of ozonated water is right for my operation?
Ozonated water is highly oxidative, roughly 1ppm of ozonated water has the same oxidizing power as 50ppm of chlorine-based disinfectants. Your concentration of ozonated water is determined for your application. Please speak with a BioSure representative or a BioSure certified technician to determine your need.
Most ozone generators require frequent air quality treatment to maintain their performance. Why doesn't BioSure Professional need to monitor air quality?
BioSure products use patented electrolytic ozone generation that uses water as the input to create the ozone. In this way, BioSure products do not need to monitor air quality.
Featured Case Studies
Ozone Water for Healthcare
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