Ozonated Water Safeguards Water Dispensers Against Viruses and Bacteria


Water dispenser manufacturers in Europe were integrating UV-C systems in these products to do sanitation for their drink dispensers. Beverage dispensers are prone to bacteria growing in the water that collects inside their tubing systems. To combat the problem, they have installed UV-C systems to do spot disinfection and eliminate bacteria at either end of the tubing.


UV-C light sanitation disinfects post-filtration water to an extent, but the effectiveness wears down over time because calcium and magnesium deposits build up inside the UV-C light tubing. These deposits block the UV-C light, causing light decay — thus reducing the effectiveness of the UV-C light sanitation system. The result is bacteria returns and customers who drink from these water dispensers are at risk of infection.


Water dispenser manufacturers are integrating ozonated water from the PFDS mini by BioSure in their water dispenser units to pump ozonated water into these water lines. The water from these dispensers gets disinfected automatically through an automated process that is timed. The PFDS mini system creates low concentration ozonated water to eliminate bacteria while making sure the water dispensed is potable. Water machine manufacturers are saving time, money, and hassle in not needing to add harmful chemical disinfection agents and UV-C light systems to their units that only “spot” disinfect. As the disinfection process is automated, manufacturers and consumers are getting peace of mind knowing that bacteria are no longer a threat inside water dispensers.


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