Can Ozone Kill Covid-19?

Covid-19 has uprooted our entire way of life. The virus can attack us through the air, on surfaces, and from human contact. But sooner or later, technological breakthroughs, on top of an accessible vaccine will help us go back to our previous way of life. 

Ozonated water is one such technology that’s helping us fight against the virus until a vaccine is safe and easily accessible. There have been studies that provide proof for effective prevention approaches to fighting Covid-19. One of the major strategies to prevent coronavirus from spreading is to regularly disinfect our homes, workplaces, and public places. Ozonated water is a disinfection method that is far superior to chemical agents and equally effective against the Covid-19 virus.

Common Methods for Indoor Disinfection

Studies show that the new coronavirus infects people through respiratory droplets. An infected person’s cough can send infectious respiratory droplets flying as far as six feet. Therefore, it is vital to have a reliable and efficient air disinfection method to disinfect these high-risk areas.

The most common air disinfection method uses ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Yet, UV light has limited penetration capacity as UV radiation can only disinfect air close to the lamps. Another well-known air cleaning method is to employ a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. It is effective in reducing airborne bacteria in the air, though not effective in removing viruses, as it can only trap bacteria with a size bigger than 0.3 microns, thus, these disinfection methods are not ideal for the disinfection of Covid-19 contaminated areas. 

Chemical disinfectants have been known to be used for disinfection. Nevertheless, these chemicals are usually difficult to decompose, leaving harmful residues that are dangerous to human health.

On the other hand, ozone disinfection has been commonly used in hospitals to disinfect equipment and significantly reduce or eliminate the spread of bacteria. Ozone is a well-known powerful disinfectant for its ability to kill microorganisms effectively. It has penetration capacity and powerful oxidizing powers that make its disinfection efficiency superior to UV radiation and HEPA filters. And as ozone reverts back to oxygen, it leaves no chemical residues after the reaction. But can ozone disinfection also kill the coronavirus that causes Covid-19?

Can Ozone Disinfection Kill Covid-19?

There are reliable reports showing that ozone sanitation can kill Covid-19. But even before the pandemic of 2020, ozone sanitation was employed to sanitize environments infected with SARS-CoV-1 during the SARS epidemic of 2003. Since SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes the Covid-19 is also a member of the Coronavirus family-like SARS-CoV-1, it is not surprising that ozone sanitization is effective at eliminating Covid-19 and has the potential to bring widespread relief to those who deploy it at home and in workspaces.  

In fact, a recent study published last month from Fujita Health University, Japan, announced that they found low concentrations of ozone of 0.05-0.1 ppm, which is harmless to humans, can neutralize Covid-19 cells, potentially providing an effective way for hospitals to disinfect examination rooms and waiting areas during the pandemic. Researchers used an ozone generator in a closed room with Covid-19 samples. After 10 hours of releasing ozonated mist into the room, the virus’s potential for infection dropped by more than 90 percent. 

How Does Ozone Sanitization Kill Covid-19?

Ozone (O3) is a reactive element consisting of three atoms of oxygen. It is reactive because it will readily degrade back to its stable state, diatomic oxygen (O2) with the formation of free oxygen atoms or free radicals. The free oxygen atoms or radicals are highly reactive and will oxidize almost anything (including viruses, bacteria, organic and inorganic compounds) in contact, making ozone an enormously powerful disinfectant and oxidizer. 

Ozone can be produced by an electrolytic ozone generator. Once ozone is produced, it reacts with a pollutant and breaks it down into less complex molecules via a process called oxidation. The new coronavirus is considered an “enveloped virus”, which is usually more responsive to physicochemical challenges. Ozone destroys this type of virus by diffusing over the outer shell into the core, thereby destroying the viral RNA. Ozone by higher concentration can also destroy the outer shell by oxidation. 

How Can We Produce Ozone?

Ozone cannot be stored because of the short half-life and must be produced on-site and on-demand. Therefore, an ozone generator is the most critical component of a successful ozone system.

The electrolytic method is the safest way to produce ozone with higher purity. In this process, water is introduced to the anode side of the electrolysis cell, electrolytically decomposed, and converted to ozone. Through this method, in addition to gaining ozone in higher concentrations, the amount of gas aeration is also small, achieving the advantages of safety and low cost of post-processing.

The Biolux Space Sanitizer System Plus (SSS+) uses advanced electrolysis technology to convert water into high concentration ozone mist. Ozone is safely mixed and misted into the environment for air and surface sanitation.

The SSS+ can provide a safe low-concentration ozone of 0.05 to 0.1 ppm, which complies with the OSHA occupational safety regulations of the United States and can be used as a humidifier. This system is ideal for families with babies, toddlers, and the elderly especially in the current pandemic as they’re the most vulnerable group when facing the Covid-19 virus.

To learn more details of the BioSure Space Sanitizer System Plus, please visit the official website:

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