Can Ozone Kill Covid-19?
Covid-19 has uprooted our entire way of life. The virus can attack us through...
Ozone Spray vs 75% Alcohol for Sanitizing
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, 75% alcohol or isopropyl alcohol...
密码保护:Ozone Spray Bottle Pro – BioSure vs Other Brands
What is the Advantage of Electrolytic Ozone?
Over the years, manufacturers in a variety of industries, from food and...
Ozonated Water: What You Need to Know
For over a hundred years, aqueous...
Misting Ozone Kills Covid-19 and Keeps Your Office Air Fresh & Safe for People
The total number of Covid-19 cases is approaching 83 million worldwide. Until...
How Can Ozone Spray Improve Professional Sanitation?
Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been adding new measures...
Your Questions on Ozone Water Answered
Water is an essential part of life, humans are made up of more than 70 percent...
How Ozone Water Works?
We’ve all heard of Ozone. It’s a gas that occurs naturally in trace amounts in...
What is Ozone Water?
Ozone water is one of the most misunderstood chemicals in how it's produced,...
Is Ozone Water Safe?
For over a hundred years, ozone technology (in ozone water or ozone gas) has...
Is Ozone Harmful to Humans?
Ozone has proven to be a powerful disinfection technology used for over a...