How Ozone Can Remove Poisonous Chemical Residue From Your Produce

How Ozone Can Remove Poisonous Chemical Residue From Your Produce

Growing enough fruits and vegetables to feed the planet is a monumental task. The Industrial agriculture industry has developed cost-effective methods to grow fresh produce to feed entire populations by using pesticides and chemical disinfectants. These chemicals,...
Airlines Use Ozonated Water to Improve Airplane Food Safety

Airlines Use Ozonated Water to Improve Airplane Food Safety

Background Airlines have to feed thousands of passengers everyday. They rely on central kitchens at airports to prepare airline meals. A popular dish at one airline might need to be prepared 5,000 times a day, per airline. Problem There have been various documented...
Ozone Disinfection for Drink Dispensers

Ozone Disinfection for Drink Dispensers

Many restaurants and bars use refrigerated drink dispensers to save costs on beverages while offering cold and refreshing beverages to their guests. Beyond the food and beverage industry, however, are movie theaters, schools, and hotels, which also use drink...
How Dirty is Restaurant Ice?

How Dirty is Restaurant Ice?

Would you be willing to drink water taken from a toilet bowl? If you ask anyone, the answer is likely to be no. But did you know that the ice that goes in our beverage at bars and restaurants could possibly contain the same or even higher levels of bacteria than water...