Hand-washing with Ozone Water

Hand-washing with Ozone Water

Hand hygiene has never been taken so seriously by the public as it is in 2020  and 2021. Ever since COVID-19 emerged as a worldwide health emergency in February 2020, health agencies and healthcare workers have advised on how to protect ourselves from the new...
Ozone Water for Seafood and Sushi Restaurants

Ozone Water for Seafood and Sushi Restaurants

Seafood contains more bacteria and viruses than any other food we consume.  Some seafood is inherently riskier, owing to many factors, including their environments, how they feed, the season in which they are harvested, and how they are prepared and served. ...
Ozone and Ice: Do You Know What’s in  Your Drink?

Ozone and Ice: Do You Know What’s in Your Drink?

As the weather gets warmer, the peak season for iced beverages is arriving as well. Edible ice is widely used in preparing food and cold drinks. But it’s a little-known fact that ice machines that produce the ice we drink could potentially be a breeding ground...
How Ozone Keeps Your Food Clean

How Ozone Keeps Your Food Clean

You may have had the experience of feeling sick after having unhygienic food? Foodborne illnesses have been a critical topic on public health, and contribute significantly to the cost of health care around the world. The CDC estimates that each year foodborne...