Post Filtration Disinfection System

safe, easy-to-use, and effective ozone disinfection solution for many commercial hygiene applications

Model: EOS7177-BX

Pathogen Control

including E.Coli and Legionella


dissolved ozone turns to oxygen after killing bacteria


Removal & Prevention

Costs Saving

Labor & Chemical Costs


and waterline disinfection

Post-Filtration Disinfection System

WDS1600X protects against pathogens in the beverage water line. Simply connect the unit to an existing, filtered water input and the system will turn the water into an efficient and safe sanitizer. The process and results are chemical-free.

The product is designed to use a revolutionary AOP (advanced oxidation process) technology replacing conventional UV or chemical dosing treatment for water and water lines sanitation. Ozone will dissolve naturally into oxygen leaving no chemical residues in the water. This safe process reduces overall operating costs and is environmentally friendly.

Automatic & on-demand sanitation

Easy integration into the existing water supply

Notification for service

Timerflow switch dual control methods

Turning water into powerful natural sanitizer


PFDS vs UV light Sanitation

BioSure Post-Filtration Disinfection System uses patented electrolytic ozone to provide instant and residual-free sanitation with simple installation.

This easy-to-use system can keep beverage makers, water coolers, or dental unit waterlines clean and safe.




Ozonated Water Solutions

For Beverage

For Catering

For Public Toilet

3rd Party Lab Approved

Test Report & Research

Approval & Certifications

Q & A

Frequently Asked Questions

Does ozone water affect the taste of food?

No, the BioSure professional ozone water system will not change the pH of the source water, as long as the tap water is neutral water, BioSure produces neutral ozonated water, and it will be reduced to oxygen and water after sanitation. Therefore, it will not remain like chlorine disinfectant and affect the taste of food.

What happens if ozonated water touches the skin and mouth?

BioSure Professional ozonated water is been approved by the third party lab SGS that it won’t cause any irrtation of human skin and mouth.

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Ozone Water for Waterline Disinfection

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